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Facts About Dental X-Rays Worth Knowing

Scheduled a dental appointment for professional teeth cleaning but was then instructed by the dentist to undergo a dental x-ray? Many people are taught while growing up that exposure to any form of radiation is harmful. Based on history books, …

Scheduled a dental appointment for professional teeth cleaning but was then instructed by the dentist to undergo a dental x-ray? Many people are taught while growing up that exposure to any form of radiation is harmful. Based on history books, TV, or even movies, radiation has adverse effects on the body. However, the consequences would depend on the amount of radiation they are exposed to. If used in a small dosage, radiation can actually be used in medicine, as well as dentistry, in detecting and treating complications.


We at Alice Dental Associates want our patients to understand the good side of radiation. To do so, here are some interesting facts about dental x-rays we prepared. Read on!


  • An x-ray provides dentists with a glimpse of developing dental issues before they can cause pain. As a result, they can provide treatment before it gets worse.
  • Radiation is emitted from TVs, computers, and even watches.
  • Taking a flight from Manchester (UK) to Paris (France) exposes a person to radiation that is equal to one digital dental x-ray.
  • Bananas are actually radioactive. Eating 15 pieces of this fruit is equivalent to 2 digital x-rays.
  • Cooking food using natural gas produces more radiation than a dental x-ray.
  • Brazil nuts contain small amounts of radium; in fact, eating five pieces of this nut is equal to one dental x-ray.
  • X-ray images do not only show the teeth but also the supporting tissues and bones. Because of this, dentists can spot cavities, examine tooth roots, and any other dental issues that need immediate attention.
  • Without the help of dental x-rays, the dentist cannot ensure that the patient is receiving proper oral care and that there are no issues overlooked.
  • It is advised for children and adults to get dental x-rays once every year.


The facts we shared above do not aim to worry or scare patients but to help them realize the safety digital dental x-ray offers. The truth is, dental x-rays exposes a person to a mere 2-3 mrem compared to the 360 mrem that an average person in the US is exposed to from the environment every year. Besides, our practice does not offer a traditional dental x-ray but the digital type in the form of Panoramic Cephalometric X-Ray Machine.

Become aware of the state of your overall oral health by taking advantage of our Dental X-Rays and Exam in Alice, TX! Call or visit us at Alice Dental Associates to get started. We are located at 750 Coyote Trail, Alice, TX 78332.


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